Author: strikezoneacademy

Everyone wants their pitcher to throw faster and yet we make it so difficult and complicated that they actually end up pitching slower. The concept of how to pitch faster isn’t that hard, or complicated so learn how your pitcher can do it with 2 great...

  Safe at second base! When I coach teams, players at some point will typically hear a version of the following from me … usually at the beginning of the season. “Guys, there are many reasons why teams win games.  However, you will be in games where the...

Posted by Cindy Bristow Having confidence is one thing but owning it is quite another. Discover how you can help your players own their own confidence and start to succeed as a result. Webster’s Dictionary defines confidence as “a feeling of one’s powers or reliance on one’s circumstances”, “the...

  For anyone who has ever seen me coach, the title of this post may seem more than a little hypocritical. That’s because I never shut up once the game starts. I don’t think I’m alone when it comes to coaches who are working with young...

What we pay attention to during a game, or even practice, can really take control of how well we do. Read on to learn how your Attention really controls your performance. Have you ever gone from throwing strikes to suddenly walking everyone? Or from hitting really well...

  Player: How many swings should I take per day? Me: As many as you need to. I have had that type of conversation many times with players over the years regarding swings, pitches, ground balls, running, and weight training. My typical answer, “as many as you need to,” is...

  Safe at second base! When I coach teams, players at some point will typically hear a version of the following from me … usually at the beginning of the season. “Guys, there are many reasons why teams win games.  However, you will be in games where the...

Most of us aren’t pitching coaches, so we may not feel confident working with our pitchers during practice. If you’re looking for something to help your pitchers during practice, discover a great game/workout your pitchers can use during practice that is sure to translate to real-game...

Discover how to maximize your coaching through TV technology! Believe it or not, we can actually improve our coaching through all the great advances that have been made in TV over the years. While I know it might sound bizarre, hear me out. Think about the following:...