Training Newsletters

  • What softball coach wouldn’t want a single drill that practiced every skill used in softball, and was competitive at the same time? Does such a drill even exist? It does! C

  • It’s becoming that time of year when teams across America start up their regular in-season activities and workouts.  Energy and optimism for a new season are high and most

  • In today’s video tip, I explain and demonstrate how runners need to round third to give them the best chance of scoring. I also point out several mistakes I typically see i

  • Figuring out your team’s “Until Moment” is vital if you’re ever going to successfully dominate it and get past it. To do so you better tear it apart, figure out what the sm

  • Posted by Cindy Bristow Having confidence is one thing but owning it is quite another. Discover how you can help your players own their own confidence and start to succeed

  • In today’s video, I explain a problem that left-handed pitchers may run into if they have a good pickoff move to first base and how to fix it!

  • In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains the must-do’s when backing up bases as a pitcher.

  • We can’t just expect our infielders to know where to throw the ball when the ball is hit to them. Those decisions must be practiced, just like any other skill. Take the mys

  • Too often our players aren’t patient with anything other than making huge improvements and doing them right now. And let’s be honest, how often do those great leaps in skil

  • In today’s video tip, the difference between looking for certain pitches and guessing for pitches is explained.  Some don’t see much of a difference between the two.  I do.

  • Discover how to maximize your coaching through TV technology! Believe it or not, we can actually improve our coaching through all the great advances that have been made in

  • There are few absolutes in baseball. However, today’s video tip gives one of them. When I watch pitchers throw, there are few things that aggravate me more than what you ar