Author: strikezoneacademy

Posted by Cindy Bristow After working for years with pitchers, I’ve come up with some things I see pitchers constantly doing – no matter how young or old they are – that either hold them down or else shoot them up to great success. Make sure you know these...

To help your slappers keep their slaps in fair territory instead of hitting foul balls down the 3rd base line try practicing using real softballs instead of whiffle balls or lite flight balls. Whiffle balls are so light that slappers get a false sense of hand strength at impact thus making...

  In my day job, I teach Sociology and AP Psychology to high school students. Both are social sciences so the Nature v Nurture debate comes up frequently throughout the school year. Some human behavior is predetermined through genetics. That’s “Nature.” Other behaviors and thoughts are...

 Posted by Cindy Bristow C Laying down a bunt can win you games, just like not being able to execute a bunt can lose you games. Discover 5 things you should know about bunting so that your players can execute a bunt the next time the game...

Ever get that runner to second base only to have your next 2 batters hit groundballs to the shortstop – inning over! Learn how you can teach your hitters to take balls to the opposite field and score more runs in the process. As every player, that...

Looking for some great softball education, or to get the softball coaches in your organization trained the right way before they step on the softball field? You’ve come to the right place! Softball Excellence has an outstanding 7 Level Coaching Certification program which is unique to...

A runner gets to first base and like normal, the first baseman holds him on. While setting up, the first baseman points to the shortstop. The shortstop acknowledges but neither one says a word. What’s that all about? Well, in today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains...