Author: strikezoneacademy

Don’t let the heat beat you or your team. Make sure you know 3 things that will help you stay strong this summer and beat the heat. Unlike basketball or volleyball, we play softball outside. And outside in the summer can get HOT! Make sure you know...

What are rip currents? If you have ever been to the beach then you probably noticed a sign like the one pictured as you approached the beach entrance.  The sign warns people of the presence and dangers of rip currents. ** Bear with me here.  I’ll get...

Some phrases in baseball cover many different aspects of the game.  “Aggressive through the ball” is one of them.  Today’s video explains several ways it applies to baseball players. No related posts. ...

 Posted by Cindy Bristow C Laying down a bunt can win you games, just like not being able to execute a bunt can lose you games. Discover 5 things you should know about bunting so that your players can execute a bunt the next time the game...

Today’s post was inspired by a reader who emailed me about his son who is apparently “leaking.”  The reader wasn’t sure what the term meant.  The term is also something I have dealt with recently now that I have started to do some private hitting lessons. The video...

Pitching is a skill that’s practiced a ton, yet when pitchers have to make that “one pitch” they often struggle. Discover a drill to help pitchers make each pitch count. Too often pitching practice is an unsupervised time when pitchers throw tons of pitches, just to be...