Author: strikezoneacademy

What softball coach wouldn’t want a single drill that practiced every skill used in softball, and was competitive at the same time? Does such a drill even exist? It does! Check out this drill that has everything you need to improve your players and your practices! As...

On defense we can’t have everything. Either you play in so you can get to balls faster, or you play back so you can get to more balls on either side of you. Read on to understand how your positioning on the field works & how...

Today’s video tip is for 3rd basemen and involves a popular phrase you will here coaches say when there are bases loaded or runners on 1st and 2nd.  ...

To help your slappers keep their slaps in fair territory instead of hitting foul balls down the 3rd base line try practicing using real softballs instead of whiffle balls or lite flight balls. Whiffle balls are so light that slappers get a false sense of hand strength at impact thus making...

  In my day job, I teach Sociology and AP Psychology to high school students. Both are social sciences so the Nature v Nurture debate comes up frequently throughout the school year. Some human behavior is predetermined through genetics. That’s “Nature.” Other behaviors and thoughts are...

Ever get that runner to second base only to have your next 2 batters hit groundballs to the shortstop – inning over! Learn how you can teach your hitters to take balls to the opposite field and score more runs in the process. As every player, that...

To help pitches move more and break faster, pitchers need to use their thumbs better. Instead of letting the thumb roll down during the release, the pitcher must keep pressure on her grip and keep the thumb straight as long as possible through the release....

Too often our players aren’t patient with anything other than making huge improvements and doing them right now. And let’s be honest, how often do those great leaps in skill really happen? Discover the role that a “Little Bit” can play in your team’s improvement. While achieving...

Sometimes the story is a positive one and sometimes it is not. Baseball is a game of failure so it is very easy to gravitate towards a negative story. I’m not a very good baseball player. I can’t hit. My coaching style is not good for...