
Having infielders who have nice, soft hands on ground balls can feel like a gift from heaven.  The question is, can you teach a player to have soft hands?  I’m sure there is a huge genetic component to all this but I believe there are things you...

Quit wasting time doing snap drills that might not help your pitcher. Find out instead what will really make a difference when it comes to wrist snap in pitching. I know I’m going against everything you’ve ever learned about pitching when I say that wrist snap isn’t important....

Figuring out your team’s “Until Moment” is vital if you’re ever going to successfully dominate it and get past it. To do so you better tear it apart, figure out what the small pieces of it are and know how you’re going to practice the parts. This...

  One of these days I will make a lengthy video or a series of videos on how to hold runners on base.  It would require a lot of work because there are so many little things that have to be done by multiple players simultaneously that...

Posted by Cindy Bristow Having confidence is one thing but owning it is quite another. Discover how you can help your players own their own confidence and start to succeed as a result. Webster’s Dictionary defines confidence as “a feeling of one’s powers or reliance on one’s circumstances”, “the...

To help your slappers keep their slaps in fair territory instead of hitting foul balls down the 3rd base line try practicing using real softballs instead of whiffle balls or lite flight balls. Whiffle balls are so light that slappers get a false sense of hand strength at impact thus making...

  It’s becoming that time of year when teams across America start up their activities and workouts.  Energy and optimism for a new season are high and most players and coaches cannot wait to start.  That being said, it is important for players to understand the...