
We all make mistakes, and we all need a process to recover from them. Knowing how to deal with a mistake without getting emotional is crucial to quickly getting yourself back in the game. Every player should have a short process you go through every time you...

Making sure your fielders cleanly field balls is just the first of two skills needed for a successful play as we’ve all seen our players field a ball only to throw it away. Learn three drills designed to improve both fielding and throwing. We’ve all seen that...

May 2, 2022 | Posted by Cindy Bristow Comments 0 After working for years with pitchers, I’ve come up with some things I see pitchers constantly doing – no matter how young or old they are – that either hold them down or else shoot them up to great success. Make...

In today’s video tip, the difference between looking for certain pitches and guessing for pitches is explained.  Some don’t see much of a difference between the two.  I do.  I believe looking for pitches has some big advantages over guessing.  ...

Most hitters think they need to focus on the pitcher’s hip to locate the ball as the pitcher releases it, but that’s not accurate. See just how far off this advice really is. I think it’s really important that whenever we tell our players something that we...

A couple years ago I conducted an informal survey of former professional players who now coach at the college or pro levels. I asked them one question and received back close to 100 responses. The questions was “what are two or three things that you can’t...