
We can’t just expect our infielders to know where to throw the ball when the ball is hit to them. Those decisions must be practiced, just like any other skill. Take the mystery out of where your infielders should throw the ball with this simple drill...

Posted by Cindy Bristow Having confidence is one thing but owning it is quite another. Discover how you can help your players own their own confidence and start to succeed as a result. Webster’s Dictionary defines confidence as “a feeling of one’s powers or reliance on one’s circumstances”, “the...

Discover how to maximize your coaching through TV technology! Believe it or not, we can actually improve our coaching through all the great advances that have been made in TV over the years. While I know it might sound bizarre, hear me out. Think about the following:...

There are few absolutes in baseball. However, today’s video tip gives one of them. When I watch pitchers throw, there are few things that aggravate me more than what you are about to see in today’s video tip. Don’t allow your pitcher(s) to do this....

Learning how to swing is one thing, but using that swing properly against a pitcher is something totally different. Hitters can improve their timing with a simple batting T and a protective screen. This hitting drill is pretty simple when it comes to equipment needed and technical...

Answer: consistency Good players consistently show up to workouts. Good players consistently compete. Good players give consistent effort in the weight room. Good players are consistently good teammates. Good players consistently make the routine play. Good players consistently put good swings on the ball. Good players consistently focus on their footwork. Good players consistently...

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://strikezoneacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Cage-Line-Drive-League-Video.mp4"][/video] Sunday Cage Line Drive League For Players 12 Years Of Age Or Younger GREAT FUN…PRIZES…SO MUCH FUN!  We will play on Cage #2 at the speed of 55MPH. Any players 12 years of age and under can qualify for the league challenge this winter. What is...

The nature of a softball game gives players a ton of time to think, and usually they are thinking about the things they did wrong. Girls in particular are hard on themselves so helping them learn to manage their minds is crucial to their softball success,...